Saturday, December 26, 2009

What is your fitness goal for 2010?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Heart rate monitors

Looking for an edge on your new years resulution to lose some weight and get in to better shape? Increase your health. Heart rate monitors are a very useful tool to help ensure your workouts are productive and at the proper level of effort.

They come in a large assortment of size shapes and features, even GPS. Check them out

heart rate monitors

Christmas Dinner

Some people may fret over what sort of junk food they will eat during the holidays such as christmas dinner. One meal will not totally destroy your diet. The body for life program even encourages cheat days in which you are expected to eat more than expected and in less than healthy sorts of food. Think of the Christmas Dinner as a cheat day. Your body is amazing and will increase metabolism if it deems necessary so as to burn off any extra calories you eat.

If you want to decrease any guilt you may have then go out for a run or do a few pull ups. I like pulls ups for keeping the body active. The one I have at home in my bedroom doorway is the perfect pullup

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Change of routine

The other day I went for a run. First time in quite a while. The feeling I had the next day reminded me of one of the important things to do when improving your condition. That thing is to change your routine. The change can be accomplished in a number of ways. Speed, amount of weight, number of sets, number of repititions, etc.

When thinking of resolution goals for the coming year alswo think of how you will do things differently. This will increase your chances of reachig your goals.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Year Resolution fitness goal

New Year Resolutions....the annual rutual which many involve themselves in. How about this year you resolve that come Dec 2010 you will have the goal to maintain the excellent health you have developed for yourself.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stay active

I noticed over the years that the points in time in which I felt little aches, pains and stiffness was related to the time off I took frm exercise. The more jiu-jitsu I did the better my back felt. The more I ran the higher my level of energy.

Always stay active. An easy way to accomplish this is to exercise at home. This is the most cost and time effecient way to stay in shape.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Feeling bad

I have a cold. I hate colds, it just plain sucks. I also want to keep up with my exercise. My solution is the home fitness circuit I developed.

The time consuming process of drive to the gym, waiting for machines, using the machines, driving back home is reduced to 5 minutes total.

I feel lousy because of my cold but I can deal with my fast effecient workout.

Free Home Fitness Report

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Home fitness Goals

It is important to keep track of your fitness goals. Do not make the goals generic such as "lose weight". The goals need to be specific and measurable. I better example of a goal would be this: "lose 10 pounds by ____,___. or "do the home fitness circuit three times per week"

With goals written down is that way the goals are measurable and can be accurately measured.

Home Fitness

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Make it Fun

What ever type of exercise program you decide to do, add some fun to it. Invite a friend, make it social, if yo can make the exercise itself enjoyable. This note only make the excercise desirable and not feel like a chore but your consistency with the exercise will be higher.

Time is often a vital and missing component to make exercise possible. Having an routine that be performed at home is often the best route.

Get information here on a Home Fitness Routine

Friday, February 20, 2009

How to find time to exercise

Finding time to exercise can be a challenge. I am a self employeed business owner so all the business responsibilities fall onto me. How to find time to workout?

The best way I have found is to exercise at home. No travel time to and from a gym or club. The travel time is perhaps 30 seconds to the living room where I do my home fitness circuit.

It has become a pleasant part of my morning because as I workout at my own pace (I never have to wait to use equipment) I watch my favorite news station (Fox and Friends).

I save time and money and I keep my fitness level.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Variety in exercise

Doing the same old workout over and over again will not only get boring but your progress also will also slow down and perhaps stop. This is because of adaptation. Your body will get very effecient at performing your workout, thus needing to exert lower energies to perform it.

To trick your body around this is to add variety to your workout. If you are doing the Home Fitness Circuit from great! You are exercising your entire body in record time with a circuit that is unique.

Here are some subtle things to do that will add variety.

  • Take a quick jog around the block before doing the circuit
  • Change the order of the exercise some.
  • Change the time of the day in which you workout. Mornings are best but how about morning and in the evening.
  • Change the weight you are using.
  • alter the tempo.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rolled for two hours

Practiced Brazilian Jiu-jitsu today for two hours. Endurance and timing are coming back quickly. Many thanks to the home circuit. It has definitly sped up my ability to hang with the much younger. Two in the class are 19 (24 years younger than I am)

It is a good to stand up after a 5 minute match and the younger guy is still laying there catching his breath wondering what happened and how did this old guy kick my ass?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hamstrings are sore

I did the home fitness circuit three times yesterday. Now my hamstrings are sore and my pecs are tender. The circuit is an ass kicker if done properly. It is the fastest way I know to get in to shape. I am grappling with people half my age and holding my own physically. I am 43 and the other day I wore out a 19 year old. Cool

Friday, January 16, 2009

Home Fitness Report

For a report on home fitness vs going to a gym. Visit
Free tips on exercise, fitness, weight loss

One vs two arm snatches

The reason for doing one arm snatches instead of using both hands on a barbell is this:
With one handed snatches things are a little off balance due to your having the weight in only your one hand. This results in your core muscles being utilized to stabilize your body without a large amount of weight being needed.

The expense of one dumbbell is also less than a barbell and weights.
Storage is also easy for just one item.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Setting Fitness Goals

Here is the link to an article I have published regarding setting fitness goals.

Comments and additions are appreciated!

Why Home Fitness?

Time is something that can never be replaced. Exercising at home is the most ime effecient way to get into shape. This is even more true when the exercise being done is a circuit that exercisese the entire body