Thursday, March 11, 2010

Todays Tabata

The tabata workout for today involved jump squats. First two rounds felt easy...then fatigue crept in. The lactic acid built up and slowed me down. Afterwards I noticed that I seem to be recovering quicker after the sets are completed. Fast results already!

The Gym Boss timer definitely makes the workout "easier" because the hassle of keeping track of time is removed.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Tabata type workouts are named after Izumi Tabata, a japanese scientist who looked for a training method for their speed skating team. The type of workout is called Tabata or the Tabata Method. With this workout the unique combination of power and endurance is achieved in a workout that does not take lots of time in the gym.

This is ideal especially for adults who want to stay in shape however do not have all the time in the world to spend in a gym.

Basically you workout at maximum effort for 20 seconds then take a 10 second rest, repeat the 20 seconds of maximum effort immediately after the rest. Do this for a total of eight times and your workout is done in 4 minutes.

The timing is key and the easy way to keep track is with a timer designed to do this.
I own the one imaged below and love it. I have mine programmed to both vibrate and to beep at each change in the workout.

For more information on the Tabata protocol: