Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Goals and fitness

We all should have goals that we set for ourselves. I have goals for my home inspection company just like I have goals for my health and fitness. The goals can take many different shapes (by shapes I do not mean flat or fat stomach).
One of my goals regarding health and fitness is to gain a stripe on my Brazilian jiu jiutu belt. I realize that for that to happen I will have needed to spend some time at the martial art school weekly and rolling with the other students. This goal of earning another strip on my belt is a way to measure my fitness level. I know that I can not easily earn a stripe by being lazy or fat. Attaining this also helps to achieve the goal of exercising a number of times each week.
Some of my workouts are home workouts which I find very time efficient and inexpensive since I know how to train the entire body with little more than body weight exercises for BJJ Brazilian jiu jitsu.
As I progress in rank and get fit I will rake in the benefits.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


The Workout of the Day was two sets of interval training set to tabata The first eight sets were composed of 70lb kettlebell swings 2nd set of eight were horizontal rows alternated with good old fashioned pushups

 Kettlebells can be found here

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tabata pushups and sit out drill

Tabata is  a fantastic way to exercise without have to spend a lot of time doing it. Some people have very little time to spend working out. Others have too little money to spend at a gym for a membership or for equipment.

Using body weight exercises at home following tabata protocol is both time efficient and does not cost any more than for a timer.

The timer is not required, however it makes the workout easier to manage the timed portions.

I recommend the GYMBOSS for the timer.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Brazilian jiu jitsu class tonight

Attended class tonight and we practiced side control and a couple of submissions from that position.  Then we drilled that position for time. What we practiced was trapping the far side for a straight arm lock and we also drilled the kimura from north south position.

Last part of the class we rolled as if in a match. This was one of the first rolls I have done for a long time. I felt good and tapped my "opponent" 3 or 4 times in the 5 minute match.

I recently cut way back on coffee intake in the morning and I did not have any coffee prior to the class. I also ate a Skyline hot dog immediately before class. So far this seems to be helping prevent my blood sugar from getting low and making myself sluggish.

Also the home exercises are helping me to keep my core muscles strong.

BJJ again

Starting working out in Brazilian Jiu jitsu again. Only once a week, just enough to get back into the grove and to get the timing back. Surprisingly I do not seem to have lost too much. Now to get back in to "grappling" condition.

The other day I did what I call four corners drill. This drill /exercise focuses on the core muscles and is useful in many movements found in BJJ.

Eventually I will get a video of this some you can see what this drill is. It is perfect for home workouts because it is a body weight exercise.